A little intruder curiously squeezed through the metal fencing on the north side of the White House, alarming the U.S. Secret Service.

The Secret Service Uniformed Division officers, responsible for security at the White House, retrieved the tot from the North Lawn and reunited him with his parents. During the reunification, access to the complex was temporarily restricted. Before allowing the parents to continue on their way, officers briefly questioned them.
"A curious young visitor briefly entered the White House grounds along the north fence line," Secret Service spokesman Anthony Guglielmi said.
In a statement, he said the White House security systems immediately alerted Secret Service officers, who quickly reunited the toddler and parents.
There has been a series of security breaches that resulted in the White House fence being raised to roughly 13 feet in recent years. The new fence is taller, but it also has an inch more space between pickets.
Sometimes older children become stuck in the iconic barrier, where protesters chain themselves to the fence during demonstrations.